Local History & Genealogy Archives
418 Washington Street
Marietta, OH 45750
Phone: 740-376-2172
Fax: 740-376-2175 (currently unavailable)
Appointments are preferred due to building damage and staff availability. Call 740-376-2172 or email genealogy@wcplib.info, to submit any questions or make an appointment. If you call after hours, leave a message and someone will get back to you. Please call before coming if you have not scheduled an appointment to make sure staff is available.
Sunday: Closed
Monday - Friday: 10:00 am-5:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
The Local History and Genealogy Archives moved from a small house next to the Marietta Library to its current location in 2001. Once the home of a Christian Science Reading Room, the Archives has an open and expansive feel with its high ceiling and large windows. Parking is available along both Washington and Fifth Streets.
The Local History and Genealogy Archives has an extensive collection of books, CDs, microfilm and clippings that are of special interest to those interested in researching their family histories. Though primarily focused on the history of Washington County, the collection also contains resources spanning the nation and parts of Europe. All materials in the Archives are non-circulating and must be used within the building.
A photocopy machine is available for print material. Copies of microfilm pages can be made from the microfilm readers. The Archives also has public access computers and free wi-fi. The library subscribes to several Electronic Genealogy Resources, many of which can be used from home with your Washington County Public Library card.
If you need assistance researching your family history or finding information held in the collection, including obituaries and articles, please email the Archives at genealogy@wcplib.info or call 740-376-2172. Please include your mailing address when sending requests for copies. All requests for copies of obituaries, articles, etc., from the Local History and Genealogy Archives are $2.00 per page.